2015/2016 VEX Robotics Competitions & VEX IQ Challenge Volunteers
Oct 1st, 2015 - Feb 8th, 2016
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LoginThank you for taking the time to volunteer. Your support makes these competitions possible for thousands of students in Virginia. On the next page, Volunteer Opportunities, you will see a list of opportunities for VEX events throughout Virginia. For most roles no experience is necessary and no technical expertise is needed. We train volunteers to guide students and teams to the right place at the right time as well as how to keep score for a match or interview teams for judged awards. Some of the opportunities are split into morning and afternoon timeslots for those who cannot volunteer for the entire day.
Volunteers will receive a t-shirt and lunch for the day's work! After finding your opportunity please complete your profile so that we can give you the right sized shirt, meet your dietary restrictions and contact you if anything changes.
- Login - Choose login if you already have an account.
- Volunteer Opportunities - New volunteers choose Volunteer Opportunities on the right to begin registration.